VIP Specification: BallotMeasureContest

list: Return all proposals for upcoming elections.

retrieve: Return a specific proposal for an upcoming election.

GET /api/proposals/8820/?format=api
Allow: GET
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "url": "",
    "id": 8820,
    "name": "Animal Shelter Services Millage Question",
    "description": "For the purpose of supporting funding for County animal program services, including sanitary, humane, and efficient animal shelter services, shall the Constitutional limitation upon the total amount of taxes which may be assessed in one (1) year upon all property within the County of Ogemaw, Michigan be increased by up to 2/10 (0.20) of one (1) mill, $0.2 per thousand dollars of state taxable valuation, for a period of six (6) years (2024-2029) inclusive? If approved and levied in full, this Millage will raise an estimated $206,734.60 in the first calendar year of the levy, based on state taxable valuation. If approved and levied, a portion of the millage may also be disbursed, in accordance with State law, to the Downtown Development Authorities of the City of West Branch and the Township of West Branch.",
    "reference_url": null,
    "election": {
        "url": "",
        "id": 56,
        "name": "May Consolidated",
        "date": "2024-05-07",
        "date_humanized": "Tuesday, May 7th",
        "active": true,
        "proposals_count": 107,
        "positions_count": 19,
        "reference_url": null
    "district": {
        "url": "",
        "id": 575,
        "category": "County",
        "name": "Ogemaw"